the advantages of being green and wild

    Nikon F60 + fujifilm 200
    New year, new ideas. in december it came to my mind a thing that I always admired and wanted to have in my own home one day, but as I don't have yet, my grandma lent me a small area of land and I'm going to start my own organic garden! She was a farmer  for a long time but with 83 years of existence I think that's enough :-) Eating my own vegetables with my tofu and stuff... is a nice beggining of year. I'll continue to make the news slip here!
    This beautiful girl has no name. I call her wild girl because the energy flows at two hundred percent on her body. She's beautiful.
    Finally, here is a tiny Maracujazeiro (I don't know the right name) that my mom brought from work. put my hands on the land and create a new home for this greeny being. next time I show the other being even smaller.


  1. I want to start a garden, too. I think is really fun. Good luck with that! :)

    1. I never did such thing, but I always had many vegetables grown by my grandmother. I helped and such but I was too small, so I didn't learn much :-)
      the rain is not helping... but thank you so much!

  2. I love the garden, i love the cat, ooh cats are always so nice! Amazing photography skills, hope to get as good as you!

    1. oh Melissa thank you so much! really kind words. but I'm not professional or anything... I just really like to take photos! I believe you're as good as me :-)

  3. Não sei se percebi bem o que quiseste dizer, mas de qualquer das formas, muito obrigada! :)

    1. Já fiz um novo comentário Sofia, não quero que me interpretes mal :-)

    2. Claro que não levo a mal! Não sei, com certezas, se será do rolo, visto que uso sempre os mesmos (de 200 ou 400iso) e fora do prazo, penso que será da máquina em si, ou daquele rolo naquela máquina, também em paredes esteve imenso sol e reflexão de luz consequentmente. Não sei dizer, ainda me falta revelar mais um usado nela.
      Mas pronto, está descansado que não levei mesmo a mal ahah, só não tinha percebido! :)

    3. Eu acredito que pode ter sido mesmo da demasiada luz :-) de qualquer das formas, eu adorei! e ainda bem que me fiz entender Sofia! :-)

  4. mais uma vez obrigada :) tens aqui coisas bonitas

    1. de nada, comentei com muito gosto! muito obrigado Inês :-) gosto muito de saber o que as pessoas acham!

  5. wow, she can probably give you lots of good advice though, along the way.
    it is so selfempowering and blissful to grow your own veggies.
    such a meditative work as well...

    1. Thanks a lot Sara! is a pleasure to have my grandma teaching me things in agriculture.
      also it is very inspiring to see on the news, documentaries and even people at blog doing the exact same things :-)

  6. Respostas
    1. I agree! she's beautiful but a lot of rebellious emotions always come to her mind :-)

  7. great photos. i really like the shade of green in the photos

    1. Thank you Hanna! definitely a lot of green is going on here. play with the various shades of one color is always funny :-)

  8. growing a garden is such a wonderful experience!
    i dream of the day where i'll have a house with some land where to plant seeds and watch them grow. for now, i take comfort with my little windowsill pots :)

    have you ever read the secret garden? it's a children's book, but ever so inspiring. i think you'll like it

    and wild girl is truly a beauty!

    1. So cool! I also have most of my herbs on the balcony of my house is much easier to take something and put in food. I'll put in the garden vegetables and foods that I never could grow at home :-)
      the secret garden? no, I've never read... but I'll try to find because only what I heard already pleased me Toi!

      Thank you very much! I think she's a treasure, but a rebel without a doubt :-)

  9. Recently I watched an old series called The Edible Garden by Alys Fowler on recommendation by another blogger and IT WAS SO GOOD and so inspiring, Diogo! I think you guys are incredibly fortunate to have your own corner on this earth to be able to do that. I could, too, if I decided to move to the countryside but that cannot happen for the time being so I must find ways to make my edible garden in the city.

    Wild Girl is absolutely beautiful and shines amongst the green. :)

    1. You know Katie, sometimes I like being in my city and just watch people moving to some place or their reactions, but I love being in the countryside! it's something that I have inside of me because of my grandparents from my mother's side. this is the few diamonds in my life :-)

      but I have a friend attached to the environment, once in conversation, told me that there are plenty of ways to have our own garden somewhere in the city. now, at least in Portugal, there are even small places, like roofs of houses where people have a small space (just for them) where can grow whatever they want! it's so cool.

      Thank you so much Katie! kind words, I think because she's so wild, green suits her so well :-)

    2. I never lived in the countryside as a child but still I've grown to see its beauty, although I do wish I had the chance to make memories in the countryside when I was young! Your friend is absolutely right, actually I do realize the only thibg that stands between us and growing our own garden anywhere is simply knowledge. If we make the effort to pursue the knowledge of how.. I'm sure we can all benefit from it. :D

    3. I cannot agree more with you Katie :-) nowadays, we need to be very creative and make our own standards. and if we have an idea for something interesting, I really think that we need to say out loud!

  10. Este comentário foi removido por um gestor do blogue.

  11. Respostas
    1. Muito obrigado Maria! agradeço muito. eu sou mais o tipo de cão, mas confesso que existem alguns gatos que só queria era tê-los em minha casa! :-)

  12. Beautiful text, I love growing plants but I never remember to water it =S
    I love your photos, especially the one of your cat!!

    1. That's funny Farrah! well, do it again and one day you will surely remind :-)
      Thank you very much! I really appreciate those words. the shots of the cat were fine because she's a very photogenic cat!

  13. I have taken an interest in keeping my own plants lately. It's no garden, but it's a start I guess! :D

    1. Doesn't matter if it's a garden or not, what matters is how we provide the little things in our homes :-) actually, it's a beautiful start Evelyn.

  14. Ai esse gato/a <3<3
    Eu cresci numa quinta e o meu pai planta montes de coisas só para mim,mesmo estando habituado a comer certos vegetais,planta rucúla,beringelas,couve flor roxa e outras extragancias - eu sou do campo e cresci a plantar batatas e a apanhar uvas e a desfolhar milho.
    melhor infância!

    1. É uma menina :-) uma peste. uma pessoa estende a mão para lhe fazer festas e ela desfaz toda...
      melhor infância mesmo! eu também! passava tempos e tempos com os meus avós maternos e como eram do campo ajudei a fazer de tudo. até a regar os campos e cuidar das ovelhas. o que mais tenho na memória é plantar cebolinho... dá um trabalho... mas adorava! e a vantagem de colher os nossos prróprios frutos é uma sensação de outro mundo :-)

  15. Não fazia ideia que que tinhas um blog, Diogo. Fico contente. Costumo ver as tuas fotografias no instagram e penso sempre "ele não devia pôr isto aqui, devia publicar noutra plataforma para ser mais visível" e afinal sempre tens um blog. Até porque vejo um conceito diferente para instagram, e passa exactamente por não tirar fotos com maquinas fotográficas, é mais instintivo. É claro que cada pessoa faz como bem entender nas redes sociais :) vou estando atenta ao teu blog, I promise. Lindas fotografias, já sabes. Beijinhos!

    1. Eu também não fazia ideia que tu tinhas um Rita! descobri quando visitei o teu perfil no instagram, e pensei "tenho de dar uma vista de olhos...", e já estou a seguir, como é lógico.
      bem, concordo e não concordo ao mesmo tempo. a minha câmara do telemóvel é muito fraca, e para ser sincero, não gosto muito de ver fotos com má qualidade... por isso prefiro publicar algumas das minhas máquinas, afinal de contas, são as mesmas fotos do meu dia a dia. mas como tenho sempre onde colocá-las na internet, o instagram é algo para uma "distracção de momento" :-)
      obrigado, eu vou continuar a seguir o teu, como é lógico. e muito obrigado por gostares das fotos :-) beijos

  16. Quero raptar esse gato imediatamente :) As cores estão lindíssimas Diogo, e boa sorte com a horta! Ter plantas e tratar delas é das coisas mais satisfatórias que faço no meu dia-a-dia.

    1. Eu sou muito mais uma "pessoa de cães" mas gatos como esta menina faziam-me perder a cabeça!
      muito obrigado Inês! ela ajudou a que as fotos ficassem mais bonitas.
      concordo por completo contigo! tratar de plantas, por vezes, é quase como uma terapia.


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